O.G. TactiCool Ammo Can Fire Pit


Where it all began, and our most popular ammo can fire pit by far!

This flame ain’t just for the ambience! Our unique design maximizes the heat output, and the included regulator gives you full control of the flame. This ammo can fire pit isn’t like the others, you’re not sacrificing any heat output for for size here. And our burner design only burns about a pound of propane an hour on a medium setting, so you can use a standard 20lb propane tank for a whole weekend of camping.

Our O.G. TactiCool Ammo Can Fire Pit comes complete with lava rocks and a propane hose that all packs away inside nice and neat. It’s ready to hit the trail on your overlanding rig, the campsite, the beach, or just your backyard.

All firepit’s will be two-tone tan.

Lets Do It!

Portable. Compact. Hot as Hell!

We didn’t sacrifice heat output for space saving, around here you get both! Everyone knows how rugged an ammo can is, we just made it a little more badass for your camping adventures.

What you get:

  • Repurposed military .50cal ammo can (6” wide, by 13” long, and 9” tall)

  • Handmade propane burner (not a flame thrower…)

  • 4ft propane hose with 20psi regulator for full control

  • 2 pounds of lava rocks to help retain the heat

  • A lifetime warranty on the fire pit!*

Braided Hose Upgrade
from $20.00
5lb Propane Tank Cover
Sale Price:$39.00 Original Price:$49.00
1lb Propane Tank Adapter